• A fact-finding exercise, where an analysis is conducted of the functions performed and risks assumed by each entity.
  • Evaluation of prescribed Transfer Pricing Methods and selection of the most appropriate Transfer Pricing Method and identification of the tested party or parties.
  • Undertaking a search for comparable companies /comparable transactions using domestic/ global databases and conducting economic and financial analyses on the selected comparables.
  • Preparation of a comprehensive Transfer Pricing Documentation incorporating the above steps.
  • Arranging issuance of the Accountant’s Report in Form 3CEB as required under Indian Income-tax Act, 1961. Transfer Pricing Strategy Services
  • Undertaking Transfer Pricing Planning studies for determination of the appropriate Transfer Pricing margin for newly set up companies/new business lines/business units/new transactions.
  • Transfer Pricing diagnostic reviews.
  • Review of Transfer Pricing policy for assessing possible transfer pricing risks.
  • Review of the overall supply chain of the organization and recommending a tax efficient/ Transfer Pricing compliant supply chain structure.
  • Reviewing inter-company agreements from a transfer pricing perspective.
  • Structuring cost sharing arrangements for domestic and international inter-company transactions.
  • Valuation of intangible assets from a Transfer Pricing perspective.
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